Lorath probably isn't very powerful because there are no major cities further east along the northern shore of Essos. It is likely influenced by Braavos, as it lies quite close to that city. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Lorath is the least-mentioned of the Free Cities. Cersei states that she is familiar with the accent because she once had a handmaiden who was from Lorath. When Cersei meets Shae for the first time, she recognizes from her accent that she is a Lorathi. Like the other Free Cities, Lorath originated as a colony of the Valyrian Freehold, and after the Doom of Valyria it became an independent city-state during the ensuing Century of Blood. In truth, he may never have even set foot in Lorath - but his appearance and mannerisms are a convincing imitation of what Lorathi people are like.
, a prostitute originally from Lorath.3.1 Shae being from Lorath in the TV series.